Case Study: Fruit Boost
Explore the enterprising and ingenious mind of a young entrepreneur on his journey to success.
Supervised but not managed by his supporting parents, a 12-year-old entrepreneur harvests his passion and ambition to launch a successful juice bar aimed at the healthy foods market in Croydon.
When they joined the Enterprise Toolbox programme, they’d already had a pop-up stall in Camden Town and had then opened a juice bar in the same area.
I worked closely with Fruit Boost to build their confidence when it came to public speaking and showed them how to develop a successful sales pitch. They had 12 coaching sessions with me, and we developed a pitch deck, a document for investor briefings and decided what their business model and actions would be for the forthcoming 12 months.
After working together, the shop attracted a lot of new customers interested in Fruit Boost’s products which include no-added sugar, gluten or meat products which means a win for all those who are vegan. We also attracted the attention of the local press putting the business right in the spotlight! Fruit Boost continues to be successful and there are plans for another four stores to open across major cities in the UK. I could not be prouder of this kid!
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